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29 May 2018

Meet „Waligóra”

We are proud to raise a toast to the start of the production of “Waligóra” – the first of the exceptional vodkas produced by BZK Alco.

“Waligóra” is a vodka with a unique taste, the best choice for anyone looking for the best ingredients and recipe. One of the secrets of the taste of Waligóra is the highest quality spirit. We produce it ourselves at Przedgorze Sudeckie in Goświnowice, where the traditions of making liquor go back over 160 years.

The inspiration for the first vodka in the BZK Alco portfolio was provided by the highest peak in the Kamienne Mountains and the Polish fairy-tale of Waligóra and Wyrwidąb. The first of these legendary brothers was supposedly so strong that he could knock down a mountain with one blow.

“Waligóra” will soon be on store-shelves, available in all the traditional.

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